Is woman near you happy?

her chubby talks

We are surrounded by different women in our life. We meet few at several time zones of life. Some may be your school friend, college friend, your family, your neighbour and even your colleague. You come across different stories they all have. What is similar is that they are struggling for their identity at their pace. Pick a lady of your choice, sit with her and talk to her, you will certainly feel she is under the pressure of something, she has some obstacles those are stopping her from changing her present life to the life she has dreamt. She might have killed her dreams for family or dreaming under certain limitations. She might be wishing more but is not getting the respect she desires. Not from the men but other women around too. 

If you think a woman is proud and self-esteem, before judging her try to have a conversation. You could know there must be a time she was low and then she grew up with some support and determination that build her today. A woman is a woman’s best friend and worst enemy too. A lady can help a lady raise and make her drop too, this is the reality. Then what do men need to do? They need to be the support and the pillar as a son, husband, friend or even as a stranger. Much of woman supporting man, many men success stories crediting their mother, their sister or wife to be the companion in achieving their dreams. Let us now hear from the woman’s side, let them give you the credit, let them shout top and say my man was my only support. 

I am a lady surrounded by a bunch of ladies when I hear a story of a woman speaking about her struggles and downs, she has a shine on her face, a blush of those bad days too because she has overcome them and she is gleaming today to say her story proudly. We have seen some ladies, maybe our mothers who chose not to go beyond homes. When you sit with them, they appear sad, they are someway not satisfied. They are searching for the lost identities in your eyes. But once you fulfil their dreams, they will get the same blush I swear. Have you heard your mother talking about your story, see her face she must be in a different zone, even when she is complaining she is smiling with her heart and feelings out. That is her world, that is her life and that is you. 

When I sit with my girl’s gang sharing a similar age and educational background yet we have a different tale of life. We are living our lives in different zones but there is something same in us, we are searching our names scribbled on the sand that never washes away with a splash of the sea. We want our name pointed there maybe through our work, maybe through our partner’s life or maybe seeing that happiness in our parent’s eyes. So to all women reading this and men going through it- let a lady feel her identity in this world or your life, let her be what she wants. Make this world a growing place for her that next time you share a conversation, you watch her gleaming more and shining more while talking to you.

14 thoughts on “Is woman near you happy?”

  1. Essentially a note to be shared with each human living around. Hats off!
    A woman will give you abundant learnings that a whole society can’t. Who says women don’t win? They are evergreen winners who may not seem to be won or supported, but then they’re heroes in their own living mantra. Go with their shadow, you may get empowered to undergo life in an incredible way. Respect to this woman who makes others stories as “our story”.

  2. A very noble idea by the writer to put an article on identity at this time of pestilence. The article has a few grammatical errors and the material is quite general and sub standard. The blogger needs to work immensely on her writing skills as there are is a lot of good content circulating around. Just posting honest feedback with an honest mind. Hope the blogger takes it positively and I wish her all the luck for her next article.

    1. Thank you for the honest feedback. I will work on it, as people learn with time and Experience. Thanks for reading though♥️

  3. On my own I will just create, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn’t, I’ll create something else.
    We end our souls when we get the satisfaction word in life. Cravings for your aim each day makes you feel alive.

  4. We as women keep facing so many hurdles to achieve what we’ve dreamt of and planned for. For some of us even after putting our sweat and blood the goal seems to move farther away. Amongst all the factors that contribute to this the one that causes innumerable angst is a woman trying to pull another woman down and on closer observation one will find that it isn’t an uncommon occurrence. However some of us are lucky enough to have a man bolstering our spirit up to balance out a woman who’s been trying to bring us down. The role of men as a support system to women goes unnoticed and remains underappreciated quite often. As per my expectations, the author didn’t fail to highlight these points. Let’s be kinder and wiser and help our women metamorphose from caterpillars to butterflies. Looking forward to read more content on this website. Cheers !

  5. I have spent my utmost time with my sister’s. From being a very weak student to a strong lawyer and I know how she struggled and worked on her weaknesses. I’m glad I’ve witnessed her journey. You know, our country is changing a lot day by day but people are still so coward and illitrate to accept women as a asset of the family. Look around, how many women are told to be the head of the family, to buy house for herself, to live her dreams, to be a independent or a leader and to be the support for his father/family. People still thinks they are dependent to a male emotionally or financially. I know, our society has changed a lot but even in the urban cities where people are well educated the discrimination is highly visible. Let me end other wise i’ll write a blog in the comments section. But yes I often sit with my sister’s and my mother but yes I’ll keep your blog in my mind and I’ll try to do it more often.. 🌺 and beautifully written and assembled ❤️ everything on point. I look forward to read more content. Keep writing. 🌺

    1. Reading my comment section is overwhelming, honest reviews and getting feedbacks in this form. The words you have written certainly shows how grounded you are with your principles. I hope we get more people like you in this society. Thanks for reading though.

  6. Thank you so much, That’s so generous of you. Read somewhere, Be the Change you want to bring and it begins at home. 😊

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