Every Picture tells a story


Hey!! you could see that’s me , who is smiling loud. Well, that smile has hidden something or what can you find in that. Let me make out clear what is the story hidden with this picture.

We always need some effort from our side , we always need some determination in ourselves. We require energy inside us, we require strength to face the truth.
Surely, the truth to know yourselves , to find the real talent within you. At times might have happened that you chose something that seemed beneficial for the mass but to you its of no gain. Selecting a right path for you is exactly as difficult as getting the right answers for –
“Who Am I?”
“What is right for me?”
Answer yourself and search within you what is made for you and what are you built for. I hope your heart and mind both focus at the same direction and you get satisfying results.

Well, its my part that has made me smile, that is the satisfaction of finding myself and what is right for me. This is not just a single picture which has something to yell out. Everyday we come across numerous clicks by photographers, they usually frame a theme, a moment or a message, there is something to tell. I am a photo lover, who loves going through pictures and dig out about them . So the photo lover and a story teller inside me framed a new form to tell stories of photographs.  Usually the photograph itself speaks out many stories, but then I m trying to give them words in the way I could see those pictures or let other visualise the same. I am wishing ahead to come with more real life stories with well framed pictures to depict the reality mingled with imagination.

You could view my series of photo stories in the below link..

Photo Stories


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